Why Beagles Are the Worst Dogs

If you are a dog lover, you might have a soft spot for the adorable Beagle. With their floppy ears, soulful eyes, and playful personality, Beagles seem like the perfect companions for any family. But before you rush to adopt one, you might want to think twice. Why? Because Beagles are the worst dogs, and here’s why.
Beagles are not the cute and cuddly pets they appear to be. These dogs are actually a nightmare to own, and they can cause you a lot of trouble and stress. Beagles are notorious for their destructive behavior, their annoying habits, and their health problems. They can ruin your home and furniture, annoy your neighbors and friends, and harm your health and well-being. Beagles are not easy to train, not friendly to strangers, and not loyal to their owners. They are, in short, the worst dogs you can ever have.
But don’t take our word for it. In this article, we will show you the evidence and the facts that prove our point. We will expose the dark side of Beagles, and we will reveal the truth behind their charming facade. So, buckle up and get ready for a shocking and eye-opening journey into the world of Beagles, the worst dogs ever.
Beagle Home & Furniture Ruin
One of the reasons why Beagles are the worst dogs is because they can ruin your home and furniture. Beagles are not the ideal pets for people who value cleanliness, order, and peace. These dogs can make a mess of your living space, damage your belongings, and create a lot of noise. We will learn about how Beagles can cause problems in three areas: shedding and allergies, training and obedience, and grooming and maintenance.
Shedding & Allergies
Beagles are heavy shedders. They have a double coat that sheds year-round, especially during the spring and fall seasons. This means that you will find Beagle hair everywhere in your home: on your couch, on your bed, on your clothes, on your carpet, and even in your food. Beagle hair can also trigger allergies and asthma in some people, especially children and the elderly. If you or someone in your family is allergic to dog hair or dander, you might want to avoid Beagles at all costs.
Beagle hair can also trigger allergies and asthma in some people, especially children and the elderly.
Beagles are notoriously difficult to train and obey. They are very independent and stubborn, and they have a strong hunting instinct. They will often ignore your commands and do whatever they want, such as chasing squirrels, digging holes, or stealing food. Beagles are also very vocal and will bark and howl at anything that catches their attention, such as other dogs, strangers, or cars. This can be very annoying and disruptive, especially if you live in an apartment or a neighborhood with strict noise regulations.
They will often ignore your commands and do whatever they want, such as chasing squirrels, digging holes, or stealing food.
Beagles require a lot of grooming and maintenance. They need regular brushing, bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing. These dogs are also prone to various health issues, such as ear infections, eye problems, obesity, epilepsy, and hypothyroidism. They need frequent vet visits and medications, which can be costly and time-consuming. Beagles are not low-maintenance dogs, and they can put a strain on your budget and schedule.
They need frequent vet visits and medications, which can be costly and time-consuming.
Beagle Annoyance
Another reason why Beagles are the worst dogs is because they can annoy your neighbors and friends. Beagles are not the ideal pets for people who value social harmony, respect, and privacy. They can cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience for the people around you, both inside and outside your home.
Beagles are very loud and vocal dogs. They have a distinctive bark and howl that can be heard from far away. Beagles will bark and howl at anything that moves or makes a sound, such as other dogs, animals, people, cars, sirens, or even the wind. Beagles will also bark and howl when they are bored, lonely, excited, or anxious. This can be very annoying and irritating for your neighbors and friends, especially if they are trying to sleep, work, or relax. They might complain to you or even report you to the authorities for noise disturbance.
Beagles will bark and howl at anything that moves or makes a sound, such as other dogs, animals, people, cars, sirens, or even the wind.
Prey Drive
Beagles are bred to be hunting dogs. They have a strong sense of smell and a high prey drive. Beagles will often chase anything that smells or looks interesting, such as rabbits, squirrels, cats, birds, or even children. These dogs will also wander off and explore new places, following their nose and curiosity. This can be very dangerous and irresponsible for your neighbors and friends, as well as for your Beagle. Beagles might get lost, injured, or killed by traffic, predators, or traps. They might also harm or scare other animals or people, or damage their property or belongings.
Beagles will often chase anything that smells or looks interesting, such as rabbits, squirrels, cats, birds, or even children.
Rolling & Digging
Beagles are very dirty and messy dogs. They love to roll in anything that smells bad, such as garbage, feces, or dead animals. Beagles also love to dig holes in the ground, looking for food, bones, or fun. This can be very unhygienic for your neighbors and friends - as well as for you and your Beagle. They might spread diseases, parasites, or odors to other animals or people, or to your home and furniture. They might also ruin your lawn, garden, or landscape, or your neighbor’s or friend’s.
They love to roll in anything that smells bad, such as garbage, feces, or dead animals.
Beagle Health & Well-being Harm
The final reason why Beagles are the worst dogs is because they can harm your health and well-being. Beagles are not the ideal pets for people who value safety, happiness, and longevity. They can cause a lot of pain and suffering for you and your Beagle, both physically and mentally.
Beagles are not very friendly or gentle dogs. These dogs can be aggressive and bitey, especially if they are not socialized or trained properly. Beagles can also be possessive and territorial, and they will defend their food, toys, or space from anyone who tries to take them away. They can bite or attack other dogs, animals, or people, including children, strangers, or even their owners. This can be very dangerous and traumatic for you and your Beagle, as well as for the potential victims. You might face legal consequences, medical bills, or emotional scars.
They can bite or attack other dogs, animals, or people, including children, strangers, or even their owners.
Anxiety & Depression
Beagles are very needy and clingy dogs. Beagles hate being alone, and they will suffer from separation anxiety and depression if they are left by themselves for too long. They will exhibit destructive behavior, such as chewing, scratching, or tearing up your home and furniture. These dogs will also exhibit vocal behavior, such as barking, howling, or whining, but also physical behavior, such as pacing, panting, or drooling. Beagles will also exhibit emotional behavior, such as trembling, hiding, or refusing to eat. This can be very stressful and heartbreaking for you and your Beagle, as well as for your neighbors and friends.
They will suffer from separation anxiety and depression if they are left by themselves for too long.
Beagles are very popular and overbred dogs. This dog breed has a long history of inbreeding and genetic manipulation, which has resulted in many health problems and defects. Beagles are prone to various diseases and disorders, such as hip dysplasia, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, cherry eye, glaucoma, deafness, dwarfism, and cancer. This can be very costly and painful for you and your Beagle, as well as for the breed.
This dog breed has a long history of inbreeding and genetic manipulation, which has resulted in many health problems and defects.
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article, and that you have learned something new and useful. Hopefully, you have changed your mind about Beagles, and that you will reconsider your decision to adopt or buy one. Beagles are not the cute and cuddly pets they seem to be. They are actually a nightmare to own, and they can cause you a lot of trouble and stress.
In this article, we have shown you how Beagles can ruin your home and furniture, annoy your neighbors and friends, and harm your health and well-being. We have provided you with facts and evidence that prove our point, and we have also given you some tips on how to deal with Beagles, if you already have one or if you are planning to get one.
We invite you to leave a comment below and let us know what you think about Beagles, and if you agree or disagree with us. We would love to hear from you and have a friendly discussion. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!
I could not agree with Katie’s comment above. This article seems to only be based off one’s opinion without actual facts. I’ve owned beagles my entire life and of course, with ANY breed or mix comes challenges. However, this “article” is not providing the pros of owning a beagle, so I will for you. Beagles are incredible family dogs, their temperaments are amiable and they are friendly. Everything listed as maintenance above is a bit confusing. Every beagle that I’ve owned, they’ve been the lowest maintenance of breed that I’ve had. They shed no more than a lab, golden retriever, or husky. I would have loved to see this article list the opposed opinions then about the pros of owning a beagle if their intent was to provide “evidence and facts”. I think with any breed or mix come challenges, however, beagles are incredible dogs to own. They are also highly tested on in labs (please consider buying cruelty free products) and the lucky ones who are able to get out, need loving homes.
I’ve never owned a Beagle so I can make no comment on what it’s like to live with one but I have on 2 occasions been a neighbor of Beagle owners and it was hell for everyone on the block. These dogs bark and howl incessantly both inside and outside their house and you can hear them a mile away. Unless you live miles from anyone don’t get one! It is the most inconsiderate un-neighborly act you could possibly do. I cringe now every time I see one. They are an abomination!
This seems wildly biased. I’m all for encouraging prospective pet owners to research the breed/responsibilities (i worked in an animal shelter) but this article doesn’t provide evidence based facts and seems like someone’s opinion. While they can be loyd and stubborn with a strong prey drive, they are also widely cobsidered one of the most forgiving breeds and can be very affectionate. They’re smart and easy to train commands to, but stubborn when its something they really want to investigate or do. All the potential behavioral issues listed in the articke could truely be applied to most breeds and is a manner of training and understanding your specific dog’s tempermant and needs. At the end of the day, anyone could find the perfect breed on paper and have unforseen challenges that are just part of taking on the responsibility of a pet.