Are Bengal Cats Aggressive? – Pet's Satisfaction


Are Bengal Cats Aggressive?

Bengal Cat Looking Sideways

Bengal cats are known to be rather wild and definitely more active than your average house cat.
This often leaves owners on the edge of despair when trying to deal with their playful and witty nature.
No wonder, Bengal cat parents sometimes find themselves wondering the a similar question.

Are Bengal cats aggressive? Bengal cats are not more aggressive than the average house cat with similar socialization and disciplinary issues.
As with other cat breeds, training your Bengal cat consistently and properly is key.

In this article, you will learn what possible reasons there are for your Bengal cat to behave the way she does and how to handle her playful personality.

Reasons for Your Bengal Cat's Excitement

When it comes to cats, particularly Bengal cats, there are many potential causes for their playful demeanor.
Being a descendant of the Asian leopard cat, it's only natural for Bengals to behave more actively than other felines.

Because of their unique character, they need particularly special treatment to stay happy and healthy.

Lack of Attention

Being an active breed, Bengal cats require lots of attention and affection. Therefore it could be that your feline simply is bored.

Bengal cat owners often state that their cats are exhibiting destructive behavior, which usually is a sign of boredom.
This could show in the form of your cat pushing off whatever she can find on counters and other elevated places.
She may as well develop a passion for emptying toilet paper rolls or scratching furniture.

This is why making sure your cat has a scratch post and lots of play opportunities in general and especially while you're away for a short period of time.
Also, try to hide precious or fragile objects well from your clever Bengal so there won't be any bad surprises or tiresome searches. 
These could either obviously break or your cat may even hoard them at places hard to find if she thinks they are precious.

Because of the water-affine personality a Bengal has, you could sometimes find your furry darling playing with the toilet flush or at other places with easily accessible water.
Putting the toilet lid down and tightly closing water taps could curb this behavior.
Playing with the water inside the water bowl is another common attitude, so be sure that it's standing on top of an easily cleanable surface.

This love of water may also cause problems for owners that harbor fishes in their homes.
It is likely your Bengal will play with the water in the fish tank and even try to catch some of the fishes inside.
Ensure that your feline is not able to do this when you can't supervise your fish tank.

Territorial Aggression

Bengal cats can be quite territorial compared to other breeds.
This is especially true for sexually mature male Bengals and could quickly lead to fights and territorial marking by spraying if there are other pets in your home.
It usually is easier to make another pet get used to a new Bengal than the other way round in terms of possible territorial behavior.

This and possible dangers such as viruses are why you should keep your cat at home.
However, if you want to bring your Bengal outside, you can easily train her to wear a harness.

Socialization Problems

Even though they are considered dog-friendly, it's particularly important for Bengals to be trained for socialization early on, because of their territorial demeanor.
The best timeframe for socialization training is between 3 weeks and 3 months.

The important part is that your kitten is exposed to as many different people, kids, and animals as possible.
Else your Bengal could bond too intensively with a single person and behave scared or even aggressive towards everyone else.

Bengal Cat Standing on Wooden Bench in Forest

Play Aggression

Aggressive play is generally the most common type of aggression in Bengals.
Play aggression usually happens when cats are bored and have too much pent-up energy.
It's no wonder that this is especially common in the highly active and energetic breed of the Bengals.

This behavior can usually be reduced by simply playing more often with your cat and letting her get rid of her unused energy.
If your Bengal is still a kitten, know that play-biting will happen a lot less prevalent after she has turned three to four years.

It's natural for a cat to simulate the hunt and killing of prey when playing, so refrain from punishing her as this would only cause possibly permanent damage to your relationship.
If your cat shows her teeth and claws way too often during play, redirect her attention to a toy or other plush she can bury her claws and teeth in.
Else you may train your kitten to use her deadly weapons against you while playing.


If your Bengal is behaving aggressively because of anxiety, you should first give her some space and leave her alone so that she can calm herself down.
This behavior may be more prevalent if you got your cat from a dubious breeder or a rescue, so be sure to give her extra time to adjust to everything.

If your feline grants you some rare moments of contact, show her as much affection and positive attention as possible without overdoing it.
This way, she understands everything is fine and she is safe with you.

In case there's no visible progress over a longer period of time, consult with a professional veterinary behaviorist.

Medical Conditions

You aren't in your best mood when you're ill and the same goes for your Bengal cat.
Diseases that affect the gastrointestinal or respiratory tract will lower your cat's mood and can cause her to act aggressively.

If you notice your feline being aggressive while at the same time exhibiting unusual demeanor that could indicate an illness, consult with a veterinarian.
Keep in mind that the symptoms don't have to be too obvious and that your Bengal may also try to hide her sickness.

Your Bengal Is Not Fixed

Many of the above-mentioned reasons for aggression in Bengals can be avoided or reduced by neutering or spaying your cat in the first place.
However, if your feline is still below the age of 3, it may not provoke immediate results as young cats generally are more active than adults.

If your cat is older, it still may take up to a few weeks until his or her behavior changes.

In case you're unsure whether your Bengal's aggression is caused by hormones, visit a vet to rule out possible causes.


The Bengal is an overly active and sportive cat breed.
This makes it no wonder that one of the most common reasons for them to act aggressively is the lack of attention by the owner.
An easy fix for this is to give your cat more opportunities to use up her energy through activities like play.
It's also worth to have enough toys for the Bengal in the house for her to possibly play with by herself.

Once your feline reaches sexual maturity, territorial aggression could be a real problem, especially in male Bengal cats.
However, this can be greatly reduced by fixing your cat.

Another reason could be that your Bengal is undersocialized and therefore doesn't know how to behave around other people and animals.
This is why it's important for cat owners to expose their cats while they're still young to as many animals and humans as possible.
The best time is between three weeks and three months of age.

Often, play aggression takes a significant part in the perceived aggressive behavior of a cat.
Bengal cats are particularly affected because of their high energy levels, but it can be decreased by playing more frequently with your feline.
If she bites you during playtime, redirect her attention to a plush toy or another object she can claw and bite, so she doesn't build a habit of injuring you.

If your cat behaves anxiously in specific situations, give her enough space to retreat and calm down.
Once she dares to leave her safe space, give her lots of positive attention to let her know there's no reason to be scared.
An appointment with a veterinary behaviorist could clear up issues in case your cat's demeanor doesn't improve.

Does your Bengal behave strangely? Medical issues can make your cat exhibit unusual behavior next to seemingly groundless aggression.
Visiting a veterinarian will help you and your cat greatly.

Lastly, most of an energetic cat's behavior can be eased by fixing him or her.
It can take up to a few weeks for the behavior to change or even longer if the Bengal is still younger than three years old.

1 comment

  • My Bengal boy “Buddy” is SO vocal. He meows constantly. And does the “chirping/purring” sound all the time too. Sometimes he will get so wound up playing that he will exhibit a loud and almost “fighting sound” of a meow. It scared me at first but now I’m used to it. Would love to hear from more Bengal owners about this topic.


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