Do Cats Cry? – Pet's Satisfaction


Do Cats Cry?

Crying gray adult cat

Many cat owners claim their cats' feelings are real and even apparent.
Indeed, cats can communicate their feelings and needs to humans and other cats. The so-called feline vocalization is being researched by behaviorists and scientists to understand our furry sweethearts better.

However, cats do not shed tears when they feel sad, but sadness isn't completely unknown to felines, either.

Read on to find out more about why your cat might cry and how to handle it.

Do Cats Cry?

Cats' eyes may shed tears and become wet, but you shouldn't interpret emotion into this, because cats do not cry the way we humans do. If your cat's eyes are tearing it most likely is something medical like an injury or illness regarding their eyes. Disinfectants or allergies might also be the cause for your cat's wet eyes and it's best to contact a veterinarian in any case if it keeps occurring.

Cats tend to rather vocalize when they are in pain or something is bothering them instead of shedding tears. They can meow sadly when feeling sad or even depressed, but they do not cry tears because of that.

Why Is My Cat Shedding Tears?

If your cat isn't simply crying, but shedding tears there may be several reasons, of which all are medical ones. It could be a harmless irritation caused by a speck of dust or a scratch from a fight. Diseases might be the culprit, but congested heartstrings could cause your cat's eyes to tear. Infections or allergies may make your cat shed tears, but also a pink eye might be the issue, too.

Keep in mind that if your cat sheds tears, there's never an emotional background, but a medical one.

In any case, you should contact a veterinarian if the tearing of your cat is happening on a regular basis. Otherwise, it may develop into something more serious and cause irreversible damage to your feline if not treated professionally.

Gloomy, tired gray adult cat

Cats Do Feel Emotions

Your cat can feel sad and even depressed. She will also grieve if she has lost a loved one just like us humans, but without the tears. Cats can read human facial expressions and develop many different feelings around humans or other cats and behave accordingly.

If your darling is sad, she might seem powerless or weak or she might stop eating. Withdrawal could also be a sign for your cat being low-spirited. A happy cat shows her emotional state by purring, rubbing herself against something or someone or being playful.

Your cat most probably is scared if she arches her back or hisses, but angry if she growls or slaps a person or cat. Cats are indeed capable of expressing their feelings through different ways of vocalization and some may even sound like crying. But human beings are the only known animals on earth that shed tears when crying.

Your Cat Has Different Ways Of Crying

Cats have several ways of communicating with each other and humans.
In fact, the classic meowing we all know is only being used by kittens normally.
They use it for telling their mother where they are or for expressing their need for food. It could mean that they are scared or cold, too.

But if an adult cat meows, it is only when humans are around. So that's a special kind of behavior cats have developed by being domesticated. If your cat yowls it might be an invitation for other cats to mate or a warning for other cats not to get any closer to her territory.

Your Cat Might Be Stressed

A seemingly innocent change in the environment of your cat like a new couch could cause stress. Your furry darling might also be more prone to crying if she's already a bit older.

Just like people, senior cats may be affected by cognitive dysfunction and therefore cry for help due to mental confusion.

Is Your Cat Having Health Issues?

Your feline's stress could be caused by physiological issues. One of the most frequent illnesses is kidney disease, but also other possible medical problems should not be ignored. It's extremely important for pet owners to keep track of their darling's mental and physical well-being.

Therefore you should definitely pay a veterinarian a visit in case your furry friend's crying is taking overhand. After all, your cat can't tell you in your language where the problem lies.

Cat crying can have several reasons

Cat Crying Can Be Caused By Environmental Changes

If your cat's body is fine, there might have been some changes in the environment that are setting your kitty up and making her cry. Unlike dogs or humans, cats become stressed by even the smallest of changes in their environment.

Is your cat now getting different food than she used to or is it another bowl she eats from now? If you have moved the pet bowl it can stress your kitten. A change to the litter you use for your darling's litter box might be the culprit, but also the location of the litter box could be causing your cat's crying if you have switched it.

The places your cat's litter box, bowl, and bed are located at are to be taken of special care if your cat is young, old or has physical problems such as arthritis. A new couch or other new furnishings can cause anxiety in your cat, too. Are there new neighbors with pets nearby your cat isn't used to? Be aware that this could cause stress for your feline.

How Do I Help My Cat?

In any case, you should definitely not punish your cat for crying. If the issue doesn't stop and you don't know why, please take your cat to a veterinarian. If your cat's crying is caused by changes in her environment, it will most likely subside with time. Try to keep her usual environment as unchanged as possible (bed, litter box, pet bowl).

It might also help to place something of your own clothes on the new furniture so that your kitty picks up the familiar scent and knows that there's nothing to worry about. If the crying worsens, try contacting a cat behaviorist.


There are several reasons for a cat to cry and shed tears. If your cat vocalizes, it depends on the sound she makes to tell what she feels. Kittens, on one hand, cry to tell their mother where they are, but also when they're cold, hungry or scared. Adult cats on the other hand only meow when humans are nearby.

Cats are able to perceive emotions and if you want to know how your cat is feeling you should look for hints such as sounds or her stance. Your cat will most likely purr, rub herself against something or someone or be playful if she's happy.

Growling and swatting are signs of anger and hissing and the arching of her back may indicate that your cat is scared. Cats can experience sadness and even depression and they can also grieve after losing someone they have loved. This sadness can show through withdrawal or denial of food.

If your cat sheds actual tears, it has a medical background and you should definitely let a veterinarian check her if it keeps happening over a long period of time before making any medical assumptions.

Changes in your feline's environment may cause stress for your darling, too. A switch of locations of your cat's bowl, bed or litter box can also be responsible for her crying, so be sure not to change too much at once. If you want to make her feel more comfortable with sudden changes, try placing clothes of yours on the new furniture to let her know everything is fine.

But in the end, you should keep one thing in mind: If your cat is having serious issues with her mental or physiological health, visiting a veterinarian is the best option to be taken.

Have you ever experience your feline crying or shedding tears?
What have you done to combat that?

As always, I'm looking forward to reading your comments in the comment section below!

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