Why Does My Siamese Cat Throw up so Much?

As an owner of a Siamese cat you surely have already noticed how sensitive your furry darling can react to her food at times.
Vomiting in the Siamese is common, but there are ways to reduce this problem to a minimum.
Yet the question remains: Why do Siamese cats throw up so much?
Siamese cats are predestined to vomiting more often than other cat breeds. This is due to the heredity of allergies, intolerances, or the cat's physiology.
After visiting a vet and adjusting a couple of habits, the Siamese can usually still live a long and happy life.
This is why it's important to properly understand your feline's problem and pinpoint what exactly the culprit may be.
Possible Reasons for Your Siamese to Vomit
As there are many different reasons for your Siamese to potentially throw up, I will list the most prevalent ones.
However, in any case, it's best to first consult with your veterinarian if your cat's vomiting happens to become excessive.
Nevertheless, understanding the hereditary characteristics of your Siamese cat's behavior and body will surely help you to react swiftly and properly in the future.
Food Allergies or Intolerances
If your cat's vomiting has started at a specific point in the past it could be due to changes in her diet.
Although Siamese cats may be especially susceptible to developing food allergies or intolerances, your cat might not yet have trouble with specific kinds of food, yet.
This is because it usually takes cats a couple of years to develop intolerances and therefore to start showing negative responses.
Foods to Avoid
Foods that are common for cats to develop intolerances against are pasteurized milk products, fish, and beef.
These contain enzymes that the Siamese cat's digestive system cannot handle and will, therefore, result in an immune response.
Stepping away from these will definitely benefit your Siamese cat's health in the long run.
Foods to Feed
You should instead feed your Siamese foods such as goat milk, turkey, or raw chicken necks, each providing beneficial nutrients.
The main benefit of goat milk is its amount of taurine.
Taurine is important for your feline's digestion, immune system, normal vision, and heart function.
On top of that, raw goat milk doesn't contain any lactose because it's unprocessed, so it won't prompt an immune response.
Just like goat milk, turkey also contains high amounts of taurine which helps with many functions within your Siamese cat's body.
Next to taurine, it also has decent amounts of L-Tryptophan, an amino acid important for cats.
It helps with reducing stress and avoid aggression in pets when there are stressful situations.
Raw chicken necks, on the other hand, are a practical food for cleaning your Siamese cat's plaque off her teeth, while also containing valuable nutrients.
However, you should never feed these to your cat cooked, as the bones could splinter.
Too Fast Eating
The Siamese breed has its very own mouth shape.
It allows them to chug food quickly, but this is also a common reason for these felines to vomit.
This is because fast-eating often leads to the stomach being hit unprepared by large amounts of foods which encourages the feline to regurgitate.
To counter this problem you could feed your Siamese more small meals in the course of a day instead of fewer large ones.
On top of that, a slow feeder bowl will slow curb cat's eating.
Medical Conditions
Siamese cats might also throw up frequently because of more serious issues such as a medical condition.
They usually share more or less similar symptoms to keep an eye out for.
To be able to detect possible health issues early enough, visiting the vet twice a year for a complete check-up is recommended.
If you observe any of the below-mentioned symptoms, please consult with a veterinarian.
As the Siamese seems to be more susceptible to this disease, one has to be aware of the possibility of this medical condition, especially as it often isn't occurring just once in a cat.
The pancreas is responsible for regulating the blood sugar levels and the production of an enzyme that takes part in the digestion.
The symptoms for this disease - which are lethargy, weight loss, vomiting & diarrhea - are similar to those of other medical conditions.
Furthermore, it often develops simultaneously with other diseases such as fatty liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and inflammation of the liver.
Usually, felines recover from pancreatitis after having received thorough veterinarian treatment.
Feline Asthma
You might wonder how asthma could possibly lead to vomiting in the Siamese.
This is due to already a simple cough often being able to make your cat throw up.
Like other diseases, the Siamese is more susceptible to asthma than other breeds and it can be present in felines from young to old age.
This is why keeping a close eye on your cat's behavior is mandatory.
This is a type of intestinal cancer that the Siamese is more susceptible to than other breeds.
It usually grows by wrapping around the intestines of the cat, eventually becoming large enough to stop the flow of food and other contents.
Typical symptoms of adenocarcinoma in cats are vomiting, diarrhea, and blood in the stool.
This disease exhibits in the Siamese cat's esophagus not being able to properly contract to move the food down in the stomach.
If this happens, the food inside the cat's esophagus may become stretched excessively - or "mega" (as in megaesophagus) - which then possibly leads to your feline vomiting a tube-shaped discharge of undigested food.
Because of the windpipe's vicinity to the esophagus, cats may inadvertently inhale portions of food which can lead to an inflammation of the lungs (Pneumonia).
Therefore, it is particularly important to react early and possibly diagnose this disease as soon as possible.
If your Siamese throws up because she's hungry, the vomit will have a yellow and frothy look to it.
This issue should never occur, but if it does you should feed your kitty promptly.
Be sure to not try to compensate for eventually missed meals in such cases, and feed her the regular amounts.
To be extra safe, give her a tiny bit less food to not surprise her stomach with the size of the meal and use a slow feeder bowl.
Otherwise, your cat's empty stomach might be overwhelmed by the large portion which would then again lead to vomiting.
Grass and Other Plants
Another potential reason for your Siamese to throw up could be that she simply likes chomping on plants outside.
This is a natural behavior among cats so there's no need to worry if the plants aren't sprayed.
Cats lack the enzymes to properly digest grass which leads to them throwing up every now and then.
This is also how it helps felines with their digestion when having swallowed too much fur and other indigestible matters such as feathers or bones.
If your Siamese is throwing up frequently and started doing so at a specific point in time, it is likely that it's due to her diet.
You should avoid feeding her pasteurized milk products, fish, and beef and instead give goat milk, turkey, and raw chicken necks a try.
The Siamese has a very unique mouth shape which allows her to swallow food rather quickly.
To counter this, you could try feeding her more small meals instead of fewer large ones throughout the day.
Furthermore, using a slow feeder bowl will stop your cat from eating too fast.
Another significant possible reason for a cat to throw up frequently are medical conditions.
If your cat chokes up tube-shaped portions of undigested food or shows symptoms such as lethargy, blood in the stool, weight loss, vomiting & diarrhea, do consult with a veterinarian.
If your cat's vomit is frothy and yellow, it means she hasn't eaten anything for too long, and you should feed her as soon as possible.
However, don't try to compensate for missed meals as that would only lead to more vomiting.
The last-mentioned potential cause for your Siamese cat's vomiting is the ingestion of grass and other plants.
This is harmless for felines if the plants are non-toxic & unsprayed and helps them to deal with indigestible matters such as bones and feathers.